RM of Meeting Lake Office Closed until Further Notice


Due to the COVID – 19 pandemic RM of Meeting Lake No. 466 has closed the RM Office and RM Shop to the public until further notice.

The operations of the municipality will continue to ensure services are not adversely affected.

Municipal Office Staff will continue to work in the office and will be taking inquiries by telephone, email or fax.

PLEASE follow all the advisories of the Federal and Provincial Governments.

PLEASE ensure you are doing your part to flatten the curve and practice social distancing.

Thank you for your patience and understanding during this difficult time.

RM Office: 306-246-4228
Fax: 306-246-4974
Email: rm466@sasktel.net

Elections 2020

All members of Council are elected to office for a term of four years. Reeves are elected at large by all voters, and Councillors are elected only by voters qualifying to vote in their division. Your property tax notice contains information about your voting division. Please contact the municipal office to discuss if you have any questions regarding either running for Council, and Election Procedures.

Municipal Elections are held every two years. Election dates have been moved to the 2nd Wednesday in November effective 2020. However, should the 2nd Wednesday fall on Remembrance Day, elections will be held on the Monday prior.

The next municipal election will be held on Monday November 9, 2020 for the offices of Reeve, Division 1, Division 3, and Division 5 Councillors.

The following election will be held on Wednesday November 9, 2022 for the offices of Division 2, Division 4, and Division 6 Councillors

**A by-election may be called if a Councillor or Reeve position becomes vacant before the next election date.**

To be eligible to vote, you must:
be at least 18 year old;
be a Canadian citizen; and
qualify as one of the following:

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Dust Control

If you are interested in dust control on the roadway by your property, with the ratepayer/resident being responsible for all costs for dust control product and application.

The RM council would like to coordinate a time when a contractor can come and apply the dust control to various  sites at one time, reducing the costs to the ratepayer.

Please contact the RM office as soon as possible and before May 1, 2018.